Upcoming Events



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in 2 easy steps!

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Our PTA’s mission is to advocate for our children and provide outstanding programs that empower our community. Become a member today! Click on the link on the upper left corner and join online via our online membership tool Totem (Click the link). (Only paid members can vote)


Welcome to 2024-25 at Adelante


Welcome back! Whether you're new to the PTA or looking to reconnect after taking a break, here's all the information you need to tap into a new world of connection for your kids. Adelante's PTA delivers many fun programs and events for the students. But you can only benefit from these if you hear about them. We've given everyone multiple ways to hear about our PTA plan.

  • The best way is to become a member of PTA. Only PTA members run for office or can vote on PTA issues, including where we spend our money, time, and energy. If you have any interest in influencing our PTA, this is a great way to start.

  • Membership does not obligate you to any volunteering or other time requirements. But it does give us the ability to communicate with you about PTA programs and events.



  • Another way to become involve is to become a member of one of our many PTA Committees. We will need volunteers to help plan our, Bienvenida, Movie Nights, reading marathon, carnival and our Adelante Pachanga and any other activities. Parents will start to meet soon to plan out activities.



General Meeting

Our next General Meeting will be on March 20 at 7:00 pm. Join us and see how our new website with Membership Toolkit will help you stay informed about school activities and simplify school-related purchases.




We will keep you in-the-know with our newsletters,  see opportunities to make purchases, volunteer, and complete any paperwork  - all online in one spot (once you register you will not need to re-enter your info after the first check out). Our goal is to save time, and work together with families more smoothly! This will allow you to make PTA online purchases without having to re-enter your information. In addition you will get communication from PTA.



 Pictures from 2024 Reading Marathon

Pictures from 2023 Reading Marathon

Adelate Family Pachanga 2024


2024 Adelante Graduation


Color Run Sprint 2024


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.

Social Media


Familias de Adelante


Your logo could be here!

Contact the PTA President to be a sponsor today.