School fundraising progress
(Search for your child and classroom and then press donate.)
TIPS and Tricks
Activating your child's personal page
(English video) (Spanish video)
Helping the child fill in their Reading Log
(Spanish video) (English video)
(The child should log in from within their Google . Classroom ) On-line Reading Log. Grades 2nd - 8th
Pictures from 2024 Reading Marathon
Pictures from 2023 Reading Marathon
Dear Adelante Parents,
It is time for our students to READ, READ, READ! Our PTA Read-a-Thon (reading marathon) Fundraiser is well underway, and it will once again be online so it’s easy to share with friends and family members near and far. By supporting this fundraiser, not only are you financially contributing to our school, but you are also partaking in challenging students to increase their personal reading goal.
The funds raised will be allocated towards covering the costs for students' field trips, on-line learning tools, and reduced cost for science camp to name a few, thus allowing us to continue promoting our colibries' educational enrichment, and academic development.
Kicking off Reading Marathon
- On Feb 13th at 10 am all class will do a Classroom walk to see all the cool reading marathon classroom doors.
- Hopefully San Jose mascot will be join us.
- All students are encourages to come dressed as their favorite book character.
- The celebration continues with the return of Reading Under the Stars. Join us for reading, pan dulce and hot chocolate. 5:00 PM on the playground black top under the shade structure.
Start by helping your student find some fun/interesting reading material! (books, magazines, comic books, articles, cookbook recipes, poems, etc.) Keep in mind your student’s personal interests, age, and reading ability. Take a trip to your local library, book store, swap books with other students/friends/family, or check out the little free libraries around your neighborhood by clicking on this website.
Help your student commit to a personal yet challenging reading goal. We have suggested reading times per grade level on the table below, but you can adjust accordingly depending on your student’s response. Keep in mind that the more minutes are spent reading, the higher the chances of winning prizes! For grades TK-1st, children are encouraged to read and set personal reading goals with the help of their parents/guardians; however, time spent being read to by either parents, guardians, or family members counts towards the individual reading goal as well.
Make a list of friends and family members. Consider using your social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) as a platform to share the fundraiser.
Reading Times
Grade | Suggested minutes per day |
TK/Kinder | 20 to 60 Min/day |
1st & 2nd grades | 30 to 60 Min/day |
3rd through 5th grades | 40 to 90 Min/day |
6th through 8th grades | 60 to 120 Min/day |
On Feb. 12th you will receive an email from 99Pledges with a link to your student's pledge page where you will be able to upload a picture of your student. You can then share your student's link with friends and family via email, social media, or text message. A friendly text reminder will help your friends take action. Donations can begin on Feb. 13th when the Read-a-Thon kicks off.
Our goal is to raise $150/student. Lots of small donations will help us reach our school goal.
See if your company does donation matches -- click here and search your company name
Charity Navigator Search
If you do not receive the email on Feb. 13th, you can also try to search for your student’s online pledge page here. You can also come back to that site to see the school fundraising progress real time!
Starting on Feb. 13th, students will start reading (or being read to) every day until the end of the fundraiser on Feb. 25th. Students should keep in mind their personal reading goal and parents/guardians should encourage students to challenge themselves to keep reading every day.
Time reading can be broken down into small increments throughout the day for those students who find it difficult to do 30-90 minutes all at once (10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon, 10 minutes before bedtime, etc.). The goal is to keep the students engaged and reading!
Consider taking candid pictures of the students reading or being read to, as well as the books that are being read to share with friends and family so they can see the student’s efforts and hopefully match that effort with a monetary donation.
** In 2025 we will have TK to 2nd practice being read to starting on Feb 7th. On Monday 10th and Friday 10th students that return the filled out practice logs will be entered into a in class raffle and if selected can pick out cool prizes
TK-2nd Grade: Students will be given a paper reading log that can later be entered onto a Google form. An email with a link & instructions will be sent to parents in these grades.
2nd to 8th Grade: Students will be able to enter their own reading progress on the online Google form using their school computer. The teachers will provide more information about the process and will add the link to the students' Google Classroom. Here is a copy of Paper reading long in case you need to reprint.
Additional event progress/status and prize details will be posted here starting on Feb. 13th. You may also visit the Familias de Adelante Facebook group.
School fundraising progress can also be seen by clicking the "Progress Link" The a different link will be used for making monetary donations. After clicking on the Student Link, search for your student and classroom, and then press “donate”. (You can just copy and past this link and share via text with friends and family.)
Click on a topic below for more info!
- 99Pledge Tool will be our on-line tool used to collect & track your sponsors and how much they have donated. Start recording your reading minutes on Thursday, Feb 13.
- For TK to 1st grade Minute Recording Sheets must be used to keep track of how many minutes of personal reading you read each day. Parents can return the reading log via the green folder on Feb10, 13 and 26th, they should transfer them onto google form before returning them to school. An email with a link & instructions will be sent to parents in these grades.
- Parents must sign the Minute Recording Sheet to confirm that their child was read-to or read all their logged minutes to ensure fairness. For those tracking minutes online, PTA will be verifying minutes by reviewing online log and discussion with the teacher.
- No guessing minutes. Please use a timer or stopwatch to record your minutes.
- Being read-to by other people counts as long as it is not at school.
- Reading aloud to other people counts. If you happen to read to someone who is also participating in the Reading Marathon, it counts for the both of you!
- Homework reading counts, must be done after or before school.
+ Classroom door contest
- See all the details by clicking on Door Contest Overview Document
- Winners Tk - Maestra Gonzalez, 1st - San Juan, 3rd Hernandez and 7th Belman
- To see all doors click here Door Decorations
+ Winners DETAILS
A $200 credit in scholastic money AND a movie and popcorn party will be awarded to the classroom with the most minutes read for each grade level group. Teachers may redeem the scholastic book money for books/classroom supplies at the next book fair.
The classroom with the most money raised in each grade level group will get a end of the year Yogurtland party.
A $50 gift card will be awarded to the top reader (most minutes read), and to the top fundraiser (most money fund-raised) in each grade level group. Both cards may be awarded to the same student should the student meet the criteria of being the student with the most MINUTES read AND the one with the most MONEY fund-raised.
The top 3 readers in each grade will get $35 in scholastic dollars to be used at the Spring scholastic book fair at school and customized medal.
Each student will be given a personal fundraising goal of $150. Students who achieve their $150 fundraising goal by Sunday, Feb. 16th (11:59 PM) will be entered into a drawing for gift cards to be announced on Feb 17th. Additional winners will be announced on Feb 20th, Feb 23rd and Feb. 26th.
** Feb 17 Winners - Josiah Benedict (Munoz-6th), Mateo Bargas (Gonzales-TK), Carlos Diaz (Meza-7th), Jet Rodriguez (Gonzales-TK) & Eli Almaguer (Gonzales-TK)
** Feb 20 Winners - Eunice Mia Harms (Contreras Serna-4th), Maya Elizabeth Sanchez (Sarkes-K), Itzel Violeta Rueles Torres (Alfaro/Morquecho-K), Alejandro Lucas Yang (Valderrama-3rd) & Leonardo Sanchez (San Juan-1st)
** Feb 23 Winners - Kaitlyn Nguyen Ochoa (Meza-7th), Isla Aubriella Montiel (Gonzalez-TK), Summer Nguyen (Cruz-Alcantar-2nd), Guillermo Isaac Cervantes-Garcia (Valderrama-3rd) & Mateo David Morataya (Rivas Montelongo-2nd)
** Feb 27 Winners - Camilia Cruz (Fuentes -5th) Theodore Lopez (Sarkes-K) Alexa Alvarez Lazo (Belman-7th) Tomas Andres Serrano Velasco (Villegas-K) Rafael Perez (Fuentes -5th) Micaela Navarro (Fuentes -5th) Abigail Mia Moratoya (Villegas-K) Nicolas Camacho (Sarkes-K) Alaia Eloisa Godinez (Sarkes-K) Keyla Perez Marquez (Belman-7th)
At the end of each night a report of eligible students is downloaded, and each student is assigned a number. A random number generator program is then used to select a random winning number.
Students who achieve their $150 goal by Feb. 16th will have more chances to win since their names will be included in all raffles from day one until Feb 26th. Once the winner is selected they will not be eligible for additional drawings.
All classes that get at least 40% participation in donations with any dollar amount by February 26 will get free dress day for the class.
**Winners of Two free dress day - TK Maestra Gonzalez, 2nd Maestra Mendoza & 5th Maestro Lozano
** Winners of One free dress day - K Maestras Sarkes & Villegas, 1st Maestras San Juan & Montoya, 2nd Maestras Rivas & Cruz Alcantar, 3rd Maestras Arnison & Valderrama, 5th Fuentes, 6th Maestra Guzman, 7th Maestra Belman, & 8th Maestros Diaz & Salcido
The student who fundraises the most money in donations SCHOOL-WIDE will get to choose between an Annual Pass for Great America/Gilroy Gardens OR a $100 gift card.
** Additional prizes will be announced during the fundraiser, so make sure you are reading so you can start winning. **
ALL participants who meet their reading minutes goal at the end of the reading period will be entered into additional drawings for a chance to win prizes!. 2nd to 8th grade must log in the minutes via the Google form & TK to 1st grade students must return their Minute Recording Sheet by Feb. 26th to be entered into this drawing!
Participation Prizes and Awards
Grade levels will be assigned to one of the following groups:
Group A: TK, Kinder, 1st grade, and 2nd grade.
Group B: 3rd Grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade.
Group C: 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade.
***Prizes will be given to the top winners from each group category.***
List of Prizes
All gift cards will have a prize value of $25. At least three winners are guaranteed. (Some examples of gift cards are below subject to change)
- Yogurt Land
- Starbucks
- AMC/Century Movie
- Amazon
- Barnes & Nobles
- Target
- 31 Baskin Robins
- GameStop
- In and Out Burgers
- Jamba Juice
- Scholastic Books
+ Double your donation with company match
Check if your company can do a donation match by going here and filling out the paperwork necessary to do it
My school (Adelante Dual Immersion Academy) provides equitable opportunities for all students to help us achieve high levels of bilingual proficiency while also developing our multicultural competency through a rigorous English and Spanish dual language immersion instruction program.
It is through the continued fostering of an inclusive, multiethnic learning environment that the Adelante community has become part of not only the academic development but the educational enrichment of each student through class/school activities, field trips, and science camp to name a few. Such activities are only possible thanks to your monetary support through our fundraising efforts.
We believe that the success of each one of the colibries at Adelante depends not only on their personal effort, but on the combined effort of the teachers, administrative staff, and parents/guardians as a whole.
We are giving each student a personal fundraising goal of $150. This can only be achieved with the unwavering support of family and friends near and far. No dollar amount is too small! You can choose from the suggested donation amount, or you can customize your donation in the “enter a different amount” space. We encourage you to share the link via text, e-mail, social media platform, etc.
Mi escuela (Adelante Dual Immersion Academy) brinda oportunidades equitativas para ayudar a que todos los estudiantes logremos alcanzar altos niveles de dominio bilingüe mientras desarollamos nuestra competencia multicultural a través de un riguroso programa de instrucción de inmersión dual en inglés y español.
Es a través del fomento continuo de un ambiente de aprendizaje inclusivo y multiétnico que la comunidad de Adelante se ha convertido en parte no solo del desarrollo académico sino del enriquecimiento educativo de cada estudiante a través de actividades en clase/escuela, excursiones y campamentos de ciencias, por nombrar algunos. Estas actividades sólo son posibles gracias a su apoyo monetario a través de nuestros esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos.
Creemos que el éxito de cada una de las colibries de Adelante depende no sólo de su esfuerzo personal, sino del esfuerzo combinado de los maestros, personal administrativo y padres/tutores en conjunto.
Le estamos dando a cada estudiante una meta personal de recaudación de fondos de $150. Esto sólo puede lograrse con el apoyo inquebrantable de familiares y amigos cercanos y lejanos. ¡Ninguna cantidad de dólares es demasiado pequeña! Puede elegir entre el monto de donación sugerido o puede personalizar su donación en el espacio "ingrese un monto diferente". Le recomendamos que comparta el enlace por mensaje de texto, correo electrónico, plataforma de redes sociales, etc.
Your donations will help pay for:
Science Camp - Campamento de ciencia
Field Trips - Excursiones Escolares
Class Room Supplies - Materiales para el salon
More Spanish Books - Mas Libros en español